Changes to my study program

I am in second year of architecture until now and I think that the program is quite complete, I would like, if possible, that there was a course of the programs that we occupy in the career such as Autocad, Photoshop or to Render, etc, where we they can teach that side of the career more of graphics.

For this reason, there should be more than a computer room in the faculty, with computers suitable for the jobs we need to do.

I think the workload is excessive, in certain workshop the demand on the part of the teacher is too high and it isnt right, that some teachers exaggerate with the assignments they ask for when they can choose not to do it and that causes the student to prioritize only workshop when has five or more subjects or they miss class time, when for a reason we have a set schedule. On the other side, it affects the mental health of the students, measures such as the anti-suicide week have been implemented, but even so there are teachers who don’t respect those times so it’s complex to cope with these situations.

The teaching method that teachers have seems good to me in general, the problem is in the workshop since each teacher has a specific method, but I really believe that the problem is that they aren’t teachers, if not architects so perhaps that makes it difficult the process, I am not saying that they do not know how to teach, they do it well, but I think that they aren’t a teacher is a bit complicated.

The infrastructure seems very precarious, it’s not enough for students, starting with the lack of places to eat, it’s not very accessible, since there are only stairs, etc. The fact that it’s declared as heritage seems to me a big problem since no changes can be made for a better infrastructure and they are really necessary.


  1. I like the idea of courses of digital programs and more computers in the faculty, these are necessary and would make better the teaching.

  2. Altough i dont study architecture i agree with the opinion about more courses that relate with digital process.

  3. I think the computer room is very essential, the ones in fau are not always enough for everyone

  4. It looks very difficult to improve the infrasctructure without modifying the patrimonial building itself u.u


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