Now I am studying architecture and the area that interests me the most up to now is urban planning. I think it is something very important and that it’s not taken much importance, although to be honest I don't know if it’s what I want to specialize in.

When I think about what I want to work on, the first thing I think about is fashion design, it’s what I like the most so far and it’s what I study independently, also as a hobby I have always liked to intervene in clothes and it impacts me what can be expressed with the clothes, but I take this "work" as a hobby, and I think it has a lot to do with architecture. I think the textile area is not studied much.

Also I would like to work on something relate to interior desing.

I would like a job that gives me free time, that allows me to have flexible hours and of course that gives me the opportunity to travel to gain knowledge and experience, it's my dream to be able to travel to other countries but not necessarily to live in them.

But I would like to work in an office, I don't know if it’s independent and I also hope to develop in 3d programs.


  1. Ohh, I like the textile area too, sometimes I imagine myself working as a dress or shoe designer, because you are right, there are many things that can be expressed with clothes!

  2. I like the fashion design and its relation with the architecture. Both expressions are beautiful!


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